Christopher Olivieri

Watch: A 1960’s Documentary About Development on Staten Island After The Verrazano Bridge Opened

Watch: A 1960’s Documentary About Development on Staten Island After The Verrazano Bridge Opened

Staten Island has been in the news a lot lately, for the upcoming revitalization of the north shore. This is not the first time that the rest of New York took an interest in our borough. Back in the 1960s shortly after the construction of the Verrazano Bridge, NY Illustrated (a television show that ran from 1967 through the 70s) put together this piece about how the island was, essentially, built.

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Events: NYC Arts Cypher Showcases at Staten Island Beachfest & More

Events: NYC Arts Cypher Showcases at Staten Island Beachfest & More

NYC Arts Cypher is presenting & hosting break dancing, bands & DJ’s during Staten Island Beachfest every weekend through Sunday September 6th.

Staten Island Beachfest is a summer long festival that will highlight events in different locations in Staten Island to include the Staten Island Ferry, Borough Hall, South & Midland Beaches. At the Ferry Terminal we have the NYC Art Cypher as well as the Cypher Syndicate, they will be performing along with Charlie Chill every Saturday and Sunday.

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Event: Staten Island Arts’ Midsummer Meet & Greet At Flagship Brewery

Event: Staten Island Arts’ Midsummer Meet & Greet At Flagship Brewery

Next Tuesday, July 28th, Staten Island Arts will be hosting their Mid-Summer Meet and Greet from 7-10pm at Flagship Brewery. At the event, the organization promises a chance to chance to “meet & greet” our new Executive Director Christopher Hellstrom, our Board of Directors, and staff. We recently featured Flagship Brewery as one of the best places to grab a craft beer on Staten Island.

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