When the time comes to get a caffeine boost or to pick up a paper-back novel, no place along the Bay St. Corridor will satisfy the need like Every Thing Goes Book Cafe and Stage.
This local establishment has been serving the community for more than thirty years from its location at 208 Bay St. They carry the tastiest selection of organic coffees, teas and desserts and are considered one of Staten Island’s top four Coffee Houses. The chairs are comfortable and the music playing will give someone time to pause and enjoy the offerings. The walls are lined with a myriad of books both new and used as well as CDs, DVDs and the more antiquated VHS cassettes and audio tapes. Paintings and sculptures available for purchase are showcased throughout the shop.
The middle of the store’s space is dedicated to the Community Stage, a two foot high plywood contrivance where the intrepid provide the audience with various forms of entertainment. Singers, guitarists, poets and authors, seasoned or noob find an arena to ply their craft. Though usually free the most a cover charge ends up being is around ten dollars but the experience is always one of a convivial nature and the venue invites return visits. If you are interested in immersing yourself in the St. George Artistic Community the ETG Book Cafe should be your first stop.