Blink is an original story written, directed, and produced by Kevin Rogers (Backslash Bomb Productions), a native Staten Islander. If cults, hysteria, murder, and post-apocalyptic worlds are your style, then Blink is the film for you. According to Rogers’ IndieGoGo page, “Blink is a story about people trying to survive as the world they know slips away from them. It’s about the importance of friendship when you don’t know who you can trust and the lengths you will go to protect the people you love, even when you don’t know what the threat is.”
The first part of the film, which is a short film with entitled Blink: The Observer, is centered around Jacob, Chris, Noah, and their female pianist. The foursome used to be in the same band together, up until Chris left the band with the intention to join a cult called “The Family”. After a year of being under the watchful eye of some sort of eye ball shaped alien, which watches the world through a hole in the sky. Each year there is a “Blink” happens, were the eye closes for one day.
The film has great potential and is filled with suspense, for that reason Rogers and his go to producer, Christina Hurtado-Pierson, aim to extend Blink into a feature film. Blink aims to raise $15,000 for covering pre-production costs, hiring a line producer, securing funding fro investors, hiring a casting director, and setting up an LLC. With your help, Blink can become a reality. Click the link below to donate to Blink, even one dollar can make a huge difference for this up & coming production company.
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I am a 24 year old fashion blogger from the Poconos who has finally made the move to the big city… sort of. Living on the Forgotten Borough has its perks though, there are some great local fashion spots, and a budding fashion community right here in our backyard. And a quick hop on the ferry brings us all of the inspiration we need. If you have a fashion tip or a lead on a fashion event, send me an e-mail at