Above is a cool little slideshow from YouTuber, John Sublett. Included in this collection of slides viewers are treated to a slice of old Staten Island. Specifically, viewers are treated to memories of Staten Island beaches from days gone by. It’s interesting to think of Staten Island as a vacation destination where visitors soaked up the sun. I wonder if it’ll ever become the vacation destination that it once was.
Subscribe to John Sublett on YouTube, here
Chris is a communications professional with a passion for pop culture, media, and all things creative. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Communications with a specialization in Media Studies and has experience in running a pop-culture website, freelance writing, coaching, and speaking engagements. He has worked behind the scenes on music albums and co-founded a boutique web design and marketing firm. He is also an amateur photographer and musician. He is always looking for the next exciting project to dive into.